Code to Generate random Name (10 character) and Credit Card (16 digits)
Code to Generate random Name (10 character) and Credit Card (16 digits) and Save them to a .csv file along with Last_four digits of credit card Under Vuser_init.c Add the function random_ vuser_init () { return 0 ; } char buff[ 32 ] = "" ; random_name ( int length) { int r,i; srand (( unsigned int ) time ( 0 )); //Seed number for rand() r = rand () % 25 + 65 ; //uppercase for Initial Letter buff[ 0 ] = ( char )r; //Loop to generate random small characters for (i = 1 ; i < length; i++) { // A-Z = 65-90 && a-z = 97-122 r = rand () % 26 + 97 ;...