Initial basic checks before proceeding to DB tunings in MSSQL

Initial basic checks before proceeding to DB tunings in MSSQL: Check your SQL Server environment before tuning for performance Sometimes when we have issues with slow response for our DB queries, we think of tuning the query assuming the SQL Server is tuned and it may be problem with queries. But it is observed that it is better to make a common practice to check the basic configuration settings of the SQL server before we start to analyze the queries deeper. Today i will try to touch base some of those settings which we always need to check for proper settings of the SQL server Environment. Check 1: Database and Transaction log files on separate drives To obtain optimal SQL performance, it is recommended to separate the data and the log files onto separate physical drives. Placing both data AND log files on the same device can cause contention for that device, resulting in poor performance. Placing the files on separate drives allows the I/O activity to occur at the sa...