
Showing posts from December, 2018

Steps to create an NFS Mount for pods

Steps to create an NFS Mount for pods Perform the below steps on NFS Server: In our case, the NFS is mounted on another different server. We have created a directory /MTCache and made the entry of the same in /etc/exports. The  /etc/exports  file on the NFS server contains the accessible NFS directories. The entry in /etc/exports on the NFS hosting server will be: /MTCache *(rw,sync,no_root_squash) NFS Options: Some options we can use in “/etc/exports” file for file sharing is as follows. 1.      ro: With the help of this option we can provide read only access to the shared files i.e client will only be able to read. 2.      rw: This option allows the client server to both read and write access within the shared directory. 3.      sync: Sync confirms requests to the shared directory only once the changes have been committed. 4.      no_subtree_check: This option prevents t...