Tips on Load Runner Scripting for Smart Client
It is required to have Load Runner 8.1 or later version, since Load Runner version 7 does not record or send out http HEAD request This omission will cause the smart client not able to login to the server. These are the recording steps, applicable for both smart client and JNLP recording: Start Load Runner 8.1 Virtual User Generator. Choose New User Script from pull down menu. Choose Web(HTTP/HTML) from “ New Single Protocol Script ” Window Choose Internet Application from “ Start Recording ” Window Choose HTML-based Scripts from “Recording Options” Choose “ A script describing user_action(e.g. web_link, web_submit_form) ” and “ Record with the current script step ” from “ Advanced HTML ” Window Start the recording An Internet Explorer browser will be brought up. Type in the url for downloading the smart client, like the normal way starting from the browser. After the smart client is downloaded, a create short cut message will be display and the smart client will be starte...