Glance Tool usage to get CPU utilization on Server

Glance is the best tool for checking memmory usage, as it provides the complete information.
The various tools report different numbers because they disagree about which regions to report as part of the size and how to count shared memory regions.

We can also obtain CPU Utilization and Disk Utilization as shown in the output.
$ glance --h
Usage: glance [-?|-h|-g|-A|-c|-m|-d|-i|-u|-w|-l|-t|-a|-N|-T|-H]
              [-j interval] [-nice nice_value] [-nosort] [-lock]
              [-p [dest_device]] [-f dest_file] [-maxpages num_pages]
              [-advis[eo]r_off | -advis[eo]r_only] [-iterations count]
              [-bootup] [-syntax filename]
              [-aos filename]
              [-all_trans] [-all_instances]

Command: glance –j 60 –iterations 100 –maxpages 100

Press s and Enter PID.
Press p to Print the Result
Press c for continuous printing.
Press f to store to a file
Enter file name:
The results start printing.

Output Sample:

B3694A GlancePlus C.04.50.00    06:06:48 <Server>    sun4u   Current  Avg  High
CPU  Util                                                     |  1%    1%    1%
Disk Util                                                     |  0%    0%    0%
Mem  Util   SUUUUUUUUUUUU                                     | 27%   27%   27%
Swap Util   UUUURRRRRRR                                       | 21%   21%   21%
Resources PID:  1703, java            PPID:      1 User: noaccess
CPU Usage (util):      0.1        Block Reads    :        0        
User CPU        :      0.0        Block Writes   :        0       
System CPU      :      0.0        Total IO Bytes :      0kb       
Priority        :       59        Data VSS       :   23.8mb       
Nice Value      :       20        Stack VSS      :     80kb       
Forced CSwitch  :        5        Total VSS      :  293.7mb       
Volunt CSwitch  :     1082        Total RSS      :   91.5mb       
Blocked On      :    SLEEP        System Calls   :      627       
Signals Recd    :        0        Threads Total  :       31       
Major Faults    :        0        Proc Start Time Mon Aug 17 22:27:05 2009       
Minor Faults    :        0                                        
      C - cum/interval toggle   % - pct/absolute toggle

Argv1: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap

Cmd  : /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/bin/java -server -XX: ……

                                                                 Page 1 of 1

How to extract the CPU Util from Glance output.

CPU Monitoring sample perl program

#open and parse file to get current CPU usage
open (INPUTFILE, "") or die "can not open Input File:$!";
open (OUTFILE, ">cpu_app.txt") or die "can not open Output File:$!";

while ($line = <INPUTFILE>)
            # CPU  Util                                                     |  1%    1%    1%

            if ($line =~ /CPU  Util   .*?(\d+.*?)%\s+/)
           $value = "$1";
           print OUTFILE "$value";
           print OUTFILE "\n";


print "\n DONE";

The same perl program can be modified to get Disk Util, Mem Util by changing the Regular Expression.

Memory Report can be obtained by pressing m after entering PID.

B3694A GlancePlus C.04.50.00    02:14:06 <Server>    sun4u                                                                  Current  Avg  High
CPU  Util   U                                                                                                                |  1%    1%    1%
Disk Util                                                                                                                    |  0%    0%    0%
Mem  Util   S SU                                                       U                                                     | 54%   54%   54%
Swap Util   U                      UR                        R                                                               | 45%   45%   45%
                                                                MEMORY REPORT                                                     Users=   22
Event         Current   Cumulative   Current Rate   Cum Rate   High Rate
Page Scans          0            0         0.0        0.0         0.0
Page Faults       375          375       312.5      312.5       312.5
Paging Requests     0            0         0.0        0.0         0.0
Paged In          0kb          0kb         0.0        0.0         0.0
Paged Out         0kb          0kb         0.0        0.0         0.0
Swap In             0            0         0.0        0.0         0.0
Swap Out            0            0         0.0        0.0         0.0
Swap Bytes In     0kb          0kb         0.0        0.0         0.0
Swap Bytes Out    0kb          0kb         0.0        0.0         0.0
Phys Mem  :  16.0gb   User Mem :   8.2gb   Sys Mem  :   407mb
Avail Mem :  15.6gb   Free Mem :   7.4gb   Buf Cache:     9mb


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