
Showing posts from June, 2012

To view more records in parameter file in VuGen

We know that in Vugen parameter file, by default only 100 records are visible in the table as shown below. As we see below there are more records in the dat file, but only first 100 records are shown. To increase the number of visible records, perform the following steps: Go to config folder as C:\Program Files\HP\LoadRunner\config Open VuGen.ini Search for MaxVisibleLines By default it shows MaxVisibleLines=100 Change 100 to desired value like 10000 Save the file. Now reopen the parameter, 10000 rows will be visible.

Extended Log

Recently, I was running some support flows for a CRM application. After recording the scripts, I was about to run load test. For this purpose I refreshed the database. When I replayed the scripts with fresh database dump, close case started failing as shown below: Action.c(344): Notify: Transaction "11. Close Case" started. Action.c(346): Error -26368: "Text=com.uif.common.ExceptionInfo" found for web_global_verification ("CRMGlobal") (count=1)         [MsgId: MERR-26368] Action.c(346): web_custom_request("crm_39") highest severity level was "ERROR", 3811 body bytes, 312 header bytes     [MsgId: MMSG-26388] Action.c(346): Notify: Transaction "11. Close Case" ended with "Fail" status (Duration: 1.1719). As we can see above there is an exception com.uif.common.ExceptionInfo. The above detail was displayed when the logging level is set to standard log. Since an exception has occurred after refreshing...


According to VuGen Document think time is "The time that a user waits between performing successive actions is known as the think time."   Think time is the time spent by a user perusing a Web page, including viewing the page and determining the next action. Think time does not include the time that is required for a page to load.   Why think time is important? Answer will be Think time makes our scripts more realistic. But why does think time matter? If I have a simple script that logs into an application, performs some actions like check account balance, Transfer amount ..etc and then logs out, why do I care if it pauses in-between page requests? Actually, Think time matters because it holds the current user's session for a realistic period of time. This means the memory footprint of that user exists for longer (compared to not using or ignoring think time) and as a consequence we can be more confident that our scripts/test is providing a useful representation ...

What is HTTP?

What is HTTP? HTTP is the protocol that web clients (like a browser) and a server use to talk to one another. Knowledge of HTTP is essential for understanding how web performance test scripts or in general web work. When we are looking at performance logs, knowledge of HTTP understanding will help us to verify that a HTTP request was successful and that there were no errors generated during a test run. 3 Main Elements a HTTP message is made up of: All HTTP messages are generally made up of three main parts: Request – a client makes a request using either a GET or a POST method ·          GET method – is a request for info located at a specified location on the server. “GET” is basically for just getting (retrieving) data. ·          POST method – allows data to be sent to the server within a client’s request (an html form would be one example). “POST” may involve anything, like storing...


Multithreading: In Loadrunner we have two options under Multithreading in Runtime settings. 1.       Run Vuser as process 2.       Run Vuser as thread If Run Vuser as thread is selected, Multithreading is enabled. Benefits of Multithreading – Helps to run more number of vusers per load generator. The contoller uses a driver program ie mdrv.exe or r3vuser.exe to run vusers. If we run vuser as thread, the contoller launches only one driver program for every 50 users. 50 Vuser is default setting. If we run each vuser as a process, Multithreading is disabled and it launches drivers program in to memory again and again for every instance of vuser. This uses large amount of RAM and other system resources. How to find which protocol is threadsafe? Except for Sybase-Ctlib, Sybase-Dblib, Informix, Tuxedo and Peoplesoft-Tuxedo protocols, all other protocols are threadsafe . Using VuGen: Launch VuGen. Select File->...