Removing leading zero from the date in LoadRunner

Below few lines shows how to remove leading zero from date. Like

We have a date as 03/26/2014
The output should be 3/26/2014

If the date is 03/01/2014
The output should be 3/1/2014


    //Declaration of variables
    char month[10],day[10],year[10],startDate[10];
    int nonzeroday, nonzeromonth;

    //nullifying the startDate 

    //Capturing Today's date and output to Log
    lr_save_datetime("Today's Date is: %m/%d/%Y",DATE_NOW,"normal_date");

    //Capturing each part of date to a parameter

    //To remove zero from month

    //To remove zero from day

    //Creating a date using concatenation of date with '/'

    //Save the date and send to output
    lr_output_message("Date is: %s"lr_eval_string("{p_startdate}"));

    return 0;


Action.c(12): Today's Date is: 03/26/2014
Action.c(36): Date is: 3/26/2014

If date is below:
lr_save_datetime("Today's Date is: %m/%d/%Y",DATE_NOW+ONE_DAY*6,"normal_date");

Action.c(12): Today's Date is: 04/01/2014
Action.c(36): Date is: 4/1/2014


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